March of the INNOCENT (Shareef)

Yet they have called for another strike today, and still the LonG MarCH is yet to come... aarrgh!!! They are fighting for Democracy, restoration of a supreme order - but hey, I can't have my breakfast now :( the store in the Lower Ground of my office building "Cash & Carry" and all markets are closed.. Damn it!! That's all that matter's to me or the public in general, they cant go for shopping, even travelling they are scared that their car might be burnt up or thrashed by the people who claim to be fighting for JUSTICE.. yeah justice it is, thrashing up the sweet car of a 50year old man who had recently bought the car after 30years of employment - They surely are teaching a lesson to the corrupt people huh!!

Pakistan is already dead in terms of economic or political conditions, we are in a power crises, we are labelled as a terrorist breeding farm and we let our guests die right on the road's we have other better things to take care of such as the security for Mr. Nawaz Innocent. It had to be increased coz his assassination was ordered from an unconfirmed source (they tell on the media), that's why he had the bullet proof glass surrounded over the rostrum when he was addressing the public. That is exactly the reason why we could not provide the bullet proof glass to the poor guests from Siri Lanka, we had to save our leader's first =)

We all are I guess fed up of these political changes after every year and the same parties emerging repeatedly and then a military Hitler in between at regular intervals, seems to be a never ending BALAJI SERIAL... I wonder what the world power's want from us...

Till now I have come to a conclusion that we are certainly not capable enough to utilise the resources we have on our land; we are too busy in exploiting the resources yet revealed. All other supreme power's are after the resources be it human resource or petrol/gas resources and even COAL and GOLD, then why don't we welcome America once again, simply to hold control. "IN" they already are... thanks to the Anti-terroristic-musharraf approach who worked on the sleek Line of Fire in order to provide a base to US drones in N.Waziristan and Afghanistan. They... the very word They reminds me of the movie They (2002) in which the main character's find out that "THEY" four have been tagged in their childhood, and demons are coming to get them to the darkness... LMAO!! and yeah we have been tagged quite earlier as well and they are coming as well, giving us nightmare's in the form of Afghanistan, N.W, Iran.. We should welcome them to rule over us, at least they are SANE enough to give basic human rights and boost our economy - they will never hurt the common man and will transform this country into a DEVELOPED country... And I remain hungry and its lunch time now... I wonder if Mac.Donald's is opened today...


  1. You on drugs???? :)

    I dont believe in Pakistan's politics anymore, not even Imran Khan (Tahreek-e-insaaf is one man show, and we need a team to run this country).

  2. Dude he is not just on drugs, its cos his dhakkan is being used by everyone these days...=D.
    Dude what the FUCK..... On the phone we had a discussion, and u decided to have a technology and entertainment blog, but instead u're putting on this SHIT. This is not Brain DROOLZ, this is Brain FUCK. Come on we already have much more bull shit going on in our life, instead of wasting time writing about some political shit, which politics is really in Pakistan, Big Bull's SHIT..write something which would make people laugh or relax or enhance something in their knowledge, instead of things like this. I was not expecting anything like this from u, u really surprised me. If thats the direction u r going to keep your blog in, i am going to be honest with u, and u know me and ali better, we wont be visiting this blog in the future.... Its up to u.
    i know these r harsh words from me, but u should have expected this kind of reponse from us =D.


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